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Seminars Archive

Fall 2024 Seminars
Date Speaker, Affiliation, and Seminar Title Host, Platform
Sept. 19

Daniela Shebitz
Chair and Professor
Environment and Sustainability Sciences
Kean University
"Taking Root: Connecting communities in New Jersey through afforestation"

In-Person Seminar

Dr. Erin Vogel
Oct. 3

Jason Blackburn
University of Florida
"Scavengers, collars, camera traps, remote sensing, and disease detection: sorting out pathogen transmission for pathogens with environmental reservoirs"

Virtual Seminar

Morgan Mark
(Maslo Lab)
Oct. 10

Lynsey Harper
Senior Officer DNA-based Monitoring
Natural England
"Environmental DNA: moving from research to practice"

Virtual Seminar

Shannon Dickey
(Lockwood Lab)
Oct. 17

Justin Bernstein
Assistant Professor
The University of Texas Arlington
"Field-Based Approaches in the '-omics' Era to Better Understand Biodiversity and Evolution"

Virtual Seminar

Erin McHale
(Maslo Lab)
Oct. 24

Catherine Cullingham
Associate Professor
Carleton University
"Unfolding the Genetic Mysteries of Chronic Wasting Disease Spread in the 'Deerly Departed'"

Virtual Seminar

Bobby Kwait
(Maslo Lab)
Oct. 31

Sergey Kryazhimskiy
Associate Professor
School of Biological Sciences
"Emerging regularities in the effects of mutations on microbial fitness"

In-Person Seminar

Duhita Sant
(Manhart Lab - CABM RBHS)
Nov. 7

SEMINAR POSTPOSED: Dr. Bodnar will be the Eminent Evolutionary Biologist in the spring

Andrea Bodnar
Donald G. Comb Science Director
Gloucester Marine Genomics Lab
"The Ocean’s Methuselahs - Genomic signatures of exceptional longevity and negligible aging in sea urchins"

In-Person Seminar

Erin Chille
(Bhattacharya Lab)
Nov. 14

Mark Johnson
University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign
"Stepping out of the water: Environmental DNA applications for terrestrial research. Case studies in airborne and pollinator eDNA analysis"

Virtual Seminar

Daniel Fisher
(Maslo Lab)

Nov. 21

Sarah Bassing
Research Scientist
Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
"Are we telling the same story? Comparing sampling perspectives for wildlife monitoring"

Virtual Seminar

Christian Crosby
(Maslo Lab)
Dec. 5

David Bushek
Professor / Director
Haskin Shellfish Research Laboratory
Rutgers University
"DARPA Reefense Project Overview:  A mosaic oyster habitat for coastal defense"

Virtual Seminar

Brooke Maslo
Spring 2024 Seminars
Date Speaker, Affiliation, and Seminar Title Host, Platform
Jan. 25

Allyson Salisbury
Assistant Research Professor
Rutgers - DEENR
"Rock [your urban forest] like a hurricane: predicting tree resistance to extreme winds"

In-Person Seminar

Rachael Winfree (Chair)
Feb. 1

Joyce Ong
Assistant Professor
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
"Fish and fishing: a tale across the Pacific Ocean"

In-Person Seminar

Isabelle Zoccolo
Feb. 8

No Seminar

No Seminar
Feb. 15

Samantha Hoff
Post Doctoral Associate
Department of Biological Sciences
Virginia Tech
"Drivers of persistence in bat populations following disease outbreaks"

In-Person Seminar

Bobby Kwait
Feb. 22

Jay Kelly
Center for Environmental Studies, Professor of Biology and Environment
Raritan Valley Community College
"Effects of Prescribed Burning on Forest Understories in Northern NJ: Prospects for Addressing Invasive Plant Species Abundance and Native Vegetation Declines"

In-Person Seminar

Kendall Eldredge
Feb. 29

Laura Schneider
Professor & Graduate Program Director
Department of Geography
"Dynamics of tropical forest regeneration from a land systems science perspective"

In-Person Seminar

Tyler Christensen
Mar. 7

Andrew Reinmann
Hunter College
"Carbon Cycling in Human-Modified Landscapes: Interactions Between Forest Fragmentation & Climate"

In-Person Seminar

Rick Lathrop
Mar. 21

Remington Moll
Assistant Professor
University of New Hampshire, Natural Resources and the Environment
"Scale-dependent landscapes of fear: Case studies with carnivores"

Virtual Seminar

Chris Crosby
Mar. 28

Angela Holland
Assistant Professor
Entymology and Wildlife Ecology, University of Delaware
"Hurricanes, Disease, and Predators: Utilizing Natural Phenomena in Wildlife Research"

In-Person Seminar

Daniel Fisher
Apr. 4

Sebastian Stockmaier
Assistant Professor
University of Tennessee - Knoxville
"Merging behavioral and disease ecology: Insights from bats to roaches"

Virtual Seminar

Morgan Mark
Apr. 11

Kayode Atoba
Associate Research Scientist
Texas A& M
"Strategic Planning: Proactive vs. Reactive Approaches in Acquiring Flood-Prone Properties"

Virtual Seminar

Brooke Maslo
Apr. 18

Mark Stoeckle
Senior Research Associate
Rockerfeller University
"Counting Mid-Atlantic Fish With eDNA"

In-Person Seminar

Shannon Dickey
Apr. 25

William Chang-Cuello
Post Doctoral Associate
Los Alamos National Laboratory
"Inferring Long-term Dynamics of Ecological Communities Using Combinatorics"

Virtual Seminar

Juan Bonachela
Fall 2023 Seminars
Date Speaker, Affiliation, and Seminar Title Host, Platform
Sept. 14

Marci Meixler
Associate Professor
EENR-Rutgers University
"Teaching and research at the nexus of landscape ecology and sustainability"

Promotion Seminar

Siobain Duffy (Chair)
Sept. 21

Enoka Kudavidanage
Senior Lecturer
Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka

"Biodiversity conservation challenges: Sharing experiences from the tropical island of Sri Lanka" 

Julie Lockwood
Sept. 28

Alexa McKay
Senior Editor
Nature Ecology and Evolution
"Demystifying Nature Journals"

Rae Winfree
Oct. 5

Jessica Stitt
Post Doctoral Associate

"Unlocking Keystone Structures: Using lidar to remotely characterize dead trees and nest cavities for wildlife applications"

Henry John-Alder & Rick Lathrop
Oct. 12

David Baltrus
Associate Professor
University of Arizona - Plant Sciences

"Developing phage derived bacteriocins as strain specific agricultural antimicrobials"

Siobain Duffy (Chair)
Oct. 19

Lynn Rothschild
Senior Research Scientist
NASA Ames Research Center

"Could it happen again? Replaying the tape"

Dylan Simpson
Oct. 26

Gea-Jae Joo
Pusan National University, South Korea

"30 years of a river LTER (Long term Ecological Research) in South Korea"

Myla Aronson
Nov. 2

Cortni Borgerson
Assistant Professor
Anthropology, Montclair University

"Wildlife conservation: Understanding and addressing endangered species hunting in Madagascar"

Lindsay Hauff
Nov. 9

Victoria Ramenzoni
Assistant Professor
SEBS - Human Ecology

"Adapting to environmental fluctuations: Behavioral ecology, dietary changes and energetics among rural populations in Central Cuba"

Membership Seminar

Rae Winfree
Nov. 16

Jonathan Cohen
Associate Professor/Graduate Director

"Plovers and Rabbits: The Challenge of Recovering Early Successional Endangered Species"

Lydia Heilferty
Nov. 30

Margaret Stanley
University of Auckland, New Zealand

"Drivers of ecological change in cities: backyards matter"

Julie Lockwood
Dec. 7

Jordan Lewis
Postdoctoral Fellow

"Investigating the Evolution of Host Defenses Through Experimental Evolution"

Siobain Duffy (Chair)
Spring 2023 Seminars
Date Speaker, Affiliation, and Seminar Title Host, Platform
Jan. 26

Darko Cotoras
California Academy of Sciences
Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow
"Intraspecific niche partition without speciation: individual level web polymorphism within a single island spider population"

Remote Seminar

Kelvin Chen
Feb. 2

Mike Hickerson
Department of Biology
"Macroecological population genetics - the next era of comparative phylogeography"

Dr. Malin Pinsky
Feb. 9

Brian Sturtevant
Forest Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture
"Of clockwork and catastrophes: Interactions between forest landscape structure and defoliator outbreaks in time and space"

Dr. Rick Lathrop
Feb. 16

Rachel Katz
US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
"Decision Analysis: Bridging the Research-Implementation Gap in Conservation"

Dr. Brooke Maslo
Feb. 23

Michael Manhart
Assistant Professor
Biotechnology and Medicine
Rutgers University, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School (RWJMS)
Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
"The ecology and evolution of microbial growth traits"

Membership Seminar

Dr. Malin Pinsky
Mar. 2

Chi Chen
Assistant Professor
"Terrestrial vegetation dynamics under climate change and human activities"

Membership Seminar

Dr. Siobain Duffy
Mar. 9

Stephanie Campos
Assistant Professor
Department of Biology
Villanova University
"From physiology to pheromones: How chemicals control the competitive lives of lizards"

Dr. Henry John-Alder
Mar. 23

Thomas Schlacher
University of the Sunshine Coast-Australia
"Ocean Beaches as Dynamic Edges of the Sea – A Moveable Feast of Wildlife and Cross-System Couplings"

Dr. Brooke Maslo
Mar. 30

Cynnamon Dobbs Brown
Assistant Professor
Department of Natural Resources and the Environment
The University of Connecticut
"The multiple dimensions of urban nature, beyond ecological benefits"

Dr. Myla Aronson
Apr. 6

Kristin Winchell
Assistant Professor
"Urban environments as natural laboratories for rapid evolutionary change"

Dr. Julie Lockwood
Apr. 13

Jonathan Lefcheck
Tennenbaum Coordinating Scientist
Smithsonian Institution
"From theory to the dinner plate: how seagrasses are progressing ecology and saving the planet"

Dr. Aurore Maureaud
Apr. 20

Rodney Richardson
Assistant Professor
Appalachian Laboratory
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
"Metagenetic applications in pollinator biology and conservation"

Dr. Katie Turo
Apr. 27

Bob Hedin
Hedin Environmental
"Restoration of ecological values through the passive treatment of polluted mine water"

Dr. Brooke Malso
Fall 2022 Seminars
Date Speaker, Affiliation, and Seminar Title Host, Platform
Sept. 15

Dr. John Wiedenmann
Assistant Professor
Rutgers,The State University of New Jersey
Why aren't New England groundfish recovering despite more than two decades of management efforts?
(Promotion Seminar)

Dr. Siobain Duffy (Professor & Chair)
Sept. 22

Dr. Juan Bonachela
Assistant Professor
Ecology, Evolution and Natural Resources
Rutgers,The State University of New Jersey
Going viral: understanding host-virus eco-evolutionary dynamics from the villain’s point of view
(Promotion Seminar)

Dr. Siobain Duffy (Professor & Chair)
Sept. 29

Chris Lepczyk
Professor of Wildlife Biology and Conservation, Auburn University
Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability
Michigan State University
“Ecology, Management, and Policy of Free-ranging Cats”

(Virtual Seminar)

Dr. Myla Aronson
Oct. 6

Dr. Lauren Toth
Resarch Physical Scientist
U.S. Geological Survey
St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center
“The past, present, and future of coral-reef growth in south Florida”

(Virtual Seminar)

Dr. Brooke Maslo
Oct. 13

Dr. Corina Tarnita
Professor and Director, Program in Environmental Studies
Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Princeton University
"Self-organization and robustness across ecological and evolutionary scales"

(Virtual Seminar)

Dr. Juan Bonachela
Oct. 20

Adrian Castellanos
Data Manager
Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies

"Lions and tigers and deer, oh no!': Predicting mammal hosts for SARS-CoV-2"

Morgan Mark
Oct. 27

Lara Roman
Research Ecologist
Forest Service / Northern Research Station
U.S. Department of Agriculture
“Urban forests as inherited landscapes (or how an ecologist came to embrace history)”

(Virtual Seminar)

Dr. Jason Grabosky
Nov. 3

Sarah Hoy
Research Assistant Professor
College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science
Michigan Tech
"The causes and consequences of selective foraging behaviour: case studies from northern goshawks, moose and wolves"  

(Virtual Seminar)

Christian Crosby
Nov. 10

Dr. Jennifer Powers
University of Minnesota
College of Biological Sciences
"Regeneration in Tropical Dry Forests—From Seeds to Stands (+ A Bonus Dry Forest Travelogue!)"

2:00 pm in the Alampi Room in the DMCS Building - 71 Dudley Road

Joint Seminar:

The Department of Environmental Sciences
and The Department of Geography, and Rutgers Climate Institute

Nov. 17

Dr. Tobias Kukula
School of Marine Science & Policy
University of Delaware

"Hydrodynamic transport of marine debris: Why it matters for debris fate and ecological risk"

Isabelle Zoccolo
Dec. 1

Dr. Subhasis Giri
Assistant Research Professor
Ecology, Evolution and Natural Resources
Rutgers,The State University of New Jersey
"Integration of field observation and Modeling to Improve Water Resources Management"

Program Membership Seminar)

Dr. Malin Pinsky
Dec. 8

Dr. Nikki Traylor-Knowles
Department of Marine Biology and Ecology
Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science
"Unlocking the mysteries of coral immunity"

Dr. Malin Pinsky
Spring 2022 Seminars
Date Speaker, Affiliation, and Seminar Title Host, Platform
Feb. 3

Dr. Mayra Rodríguez González
GUND Institute for Environment
The Univesrity of Vermont
Improving the relevance of ecosystem services research through knowledge co-production

Dr. Myla Aronson

Feb. 10

Dr. Mimi R. Koehl
Department of Integrative Biology
University of California, Berkeley
Swimming and crawling in a turbulent ocean by marine larvae

Dr. Juan Bonachela

Feb. 17

Dr. Kevin Njabo
Center for Tropical Research
UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability

Dr. Julie Lockwood

Feb. 24

Dr. Simone Des Roches
School of aquatic and Fisheries Sciences
College of the Environment
University of Washington,Seattle
The importance of intraspecific variation for ecosystems and people

Dr. Brooke Maslo

Mar. 3

Dr. Lily Khadempour
Earth, and Environmental Sciences
Rutgers University- Newark
Ecology and evolution in insect-microbial symbioses

Dr. Malin Pinsky

Mar. 10

Dr. Juniper Simonis
Identifying, quantifying, and communicating the impacts of chemical weapons on urban communities and ecosystems

Dr. Brooke Maslo

Mar. 24

Dr. Ricardo Rocha
CIBIO/InBIO-UP, Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources
University of Porto and University of Lisbon
Challenges and opportunities for the conservation of Malagasy bats (and their ecosystem services)

Erin McHale

Mar. 31

Dr. Marcelo Gehara
Department of Biological Sciences
Rutgers Univesrity - Newark
Understanding Speciation with Evolutionary Modeling and AI

Dr. Brendan Reid

Apr. 7

Dr. Charles Nilon
College of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
University of Missouri
Urban Biodiversity, Nearby Nature, and Environmental Justice

Dr. Myla Aronson

Apr. 14

Dr. Jessica Forrest
Department of Biology
University of Ottawa
Drivers of population dynamics in a specialist solitary bee: does mismatch matter

Dylan Simpson

Apr. 19

Judith Bronstein - Eminent Ecologist
University Distinguised Professor
Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
University of Arizona
Bad-News Bees? Nectar Robbing and the "Temptation to Cheat" in Mutualisms


Apr. 21

Dr. Nikki Traylor-Knowles
Department of Marine Biology and Ecology
Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science


Dr. Malin Pinsky

Apr. 28

Dr. Senay Yitbarek
Department of Biology
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Elucidating ecological complexity across scales

Kelvin Chen

Fall 2021 Seminars
Date Speaker, Affiliation, and Seminar Title Host, Platform
Sept. 16

Dr. Siobain Duffy
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources
Rutgers University - New Brunswick
Effects of host range mutations on subsequent emergence of a model RNA virus

Julie Lockwood

Sept. 23

Dr. Brendan Reid
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources
Rutgers Univesity - New Brunswick
Genetics of marine communities through time

Malin Pinsky
Sept. 30

Dr. Andy Pershing
Director of Climate Science
Climate Central
Survival skills for the Anthropocene: What marine heatwaves and other ocean surprises can teach us about living in a warming world

John Weidenmann
Oct. 7

Dr. Theresa Laverty
Department of Ecology and Evolution
University of Chicago
Conservation ecology of desert bats

Brooke Maslo
Oct. 14

Dr. Javan Bauder
School of Natural Resources and the Environment
University of Arizona
Individual-based approaches for landscape-scale conservation: Examples from the federally threatened eastern indigo snake

Tyler Christensen
Oct. 21

Dr. Francisco Ferreira
Rutgers Center for Vector Biology
Department of Entomology
Rutgers University - New Brunswick
Hawaiian bird malaria: dissecting vector-parasite relationships

Dina Fonseca
Oct. 28

Dr. Maria Miriti
Department of Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology
Ohio State University
Driving change: Drought and other disasters

Zoë Kitchel
Nov. 4

CANCELLED: Dr. Lily Khadempour
Earth, and Environmental Sciences
Rutgers - Newark
Ecology and evolution in insect-microbial symbioses

Malin Pinsky
Nov. 11

Dr. Matt Schuler
Biology Department
Montclair State University
From pollution to policy: Understanding and mitigating human impacts on freshwater environments

Ryan Almeida
Nov. 18

Dr. Vianey Leos Barajas
Bayesian Ecological & Environmental Statistics
University of Toronto
Fitting hidden Markov models in practice

Alexa Fredston
Dec. 2

Dr. Eduardo Colombo

Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Princeton University

Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources
Rutgers University - New Brunswick
A multiscale approach to spatial patterns in plankton communities: the large-scale consequences of taxis-induced mesoscale patchiness in plankton communities

Juan Bonachela
Dec. 9

Dr. Marc Rius
Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton
University of Southampton
Ecological and evolutionary consequences of the global redistribution of biodiversity


Bobby Kwait
Spring 2021 Seminars
Date Speaker, Affiliation, and Seminar Title Host
Jan. 21

Dr. Christina Bergey
Department of Genetics
Rutgers University
Genomic insights into adaptation of humans to rainforest environments

Program membership seminar

Malin Pinsky

Jan. 28

Dr. Karen Warkentin
Boston University
Different people ask different questions: a queer perspective on studying diversity in life history and behavior

Katrina Catalano

Feb. 4

Dr. David Steen
Reptile and Amphibian Research Leader
 Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission)
Founder and Executive Director of The Alongside Wildlife Foundation
Using Snakes And Turtles to Understand Ecology and Conservation.

John Wiedenmann

Feb. 11

Dr. Sandra Knapp
Natural History Museum
Past, present and future of floristics - the continued relevance of floras in a modern world

Lena Struwe

Feb. 18

Dr. Katie Barott
Department of Biology
University of Pennsylvania
Regulation of acid-base homeostasis in reef-building corals undergoing a changing climate

Zoe Kitchel

Feb. 25

Dr. Tanisha Williams
Department of Biology
Bucknell University
Conserving Biodiversity from South Africa to Australia 

Kate Douthat

Mar. 4

Dr. Anthony Geneva
Center for Computational & Integrative Biology
Rutgers University - Camden
Enabling evolutionary genomics with high-quality reference genome assemblies

Program membership seminar

Malin Pinsky

Mar 11.

Dr. Darcy Bradley
Sustainable Fisheries Group Co-Director
University of Califormia, Santa Barbara
Bridging movement ecology and fisheries science to improve conservation outcomes

Alexa Fredston

Mar. 18

Spring Break


Mar. 25

Dr. Matthew McCary
Department of Biosciences
Rice University
Feast or famine: how resource availability can influence ecosystem dynamics

Kelvin Chen

April 1 Dr. Elizabeth Watson
Department of Biodiversity, Earth and Environmental Science
Wetlands Section Leader, Patrick Center for Environmental Research
Drexel University
Rick Lathrop
April 8

Dr. Anne Maria Eikeset
Norges Bank Investment Management (Oslo Area, Norway)
Understanding crisis through interdisciplinary - A view from a large fund

Juan Bonachela

April 15

Dr. Scott V. Edwards
Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology
Harvard University
Using genomics and natural experiments to probe the evolutionary history of birds

Alvin Crespo

April 22

Dr. Mary Whelan
Department of Environmental Science
Rutgers University

Julie Lockwood

Fall 2020 Seminars
Date Speaker, Affiliation, and Seminar Title Host

Sept. 10

Dr. Carla Staver
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Yale University
Tropical biomes in a changing world

Zoe Kitchel

Sept. 17

Dr. Alexa Fredston
Department of Ecology, Evolution and Natural Resources
Rutgers University
Causes and consequences of species range shifts in a changing climate

Malin Pinsky

Sept 24

Dr. Brooke Maslo
Department of Ecology, Evolution and Natural Resources
Rutgers University
Expanding Traditional Paradigms of Sandy Beach Ecology to Inform Coastal Zone Management

This is Dr. Maslo's promotion seminar

Jule Lockwood

Oct. 1

Dr. Sarah Smith
Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences
Rutgers University
Weathering the Storm: Responses and Adaptation Strategies of Commercial Fishermen in the Northeast U.S. to Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic

John Wiedenmann

Oct. 8

Dr. Andrea J. Adams
Earth Research Institute,
University of California, Santa Barbara
Recovering California's frogs: mixed methods approaches for applied conservation science

Abigail Golden

Oct. 15

Dr. Micaela Martinez Bakker
Department of Environmental Health Sciences
Columbia University
Biological Rhythms in the Anthropocene

Zoe Kitchel

Oct. 22

EcoGSA Eminent Ecologist
Dr. Andrew Gonzalez
Liber Ero Chair in Conservation Biology | Killam Fellow | Founding director of the Quebec Centre for Biodiversity Science
McGill University
Montreal, Canada
Multiscale biodiversity science for the Anthropocene

Paulina Arancibia

Oct. 29

Dr. Helmut Hillebrand
Director, Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity University of Oldenburg,
Changing biodiversity in changing environments: temporal turnover across scales of time and space

Malin Pinsky

Nov. 5

Dr. Peter Buston
Director of the BU Marine Program
Boston University
Social Evolution in the Clown Anemonefish

Katrina Catalano

Nov. 12

Dr. Justin Yeakel
School of Natural Sciences
University of California, Merced
The dynamics of starvation and recovery provide insight into Cope's Rule and the evolution of grazing

John Wiedenmann

Nov. 19

Dr. Brandon Chasco
National Marine Fisheries Service
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association
Lost at sea: unraveling the mysteries of marine salmon survival

John Wiedenmann

Dec. 3

Dr. Jessica Ware
Curator of  Odonata & non-Holometabolous Minor Orders
American Museum of Natural History
On dragonflies, damselflies and roaches: studying insect molecular and morphological evolution 

Kimberly Russell


Spring 2020 Seminars
Date Speaker, Affiliation, and Seminar Title Host

Feb. 6

Dr. Thomas M. Grothues
Rutgers University
Shoreline fish habitat function and dysfunction in New York Harbor

Program Membership Seminar

Olaf Jensen

Feb. 13

Dr. Donnie Peterson
Rutgers University
Impact, preference, and performance of emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis) on historic and novel hosts

Julie Lockwood

Feb. 20

Dr. Joyce Ong
Rutgers University
Prevalence of synchrony among marine fisheries and its drivers

Olaf Jensen

Feb. 27

Dr. J. Angelo Soto-Centeno
Rutgers University-Newark
"Extinction and Survival in the Caribbean: Climate, humans, & the loss of vertebrate diversity"

Brooke Maslo

March 5

CANCELLED: Dr. Elizabeth Watson
Drexel University

Rick Lathrop

March 5

Dr. Evan Eskew
Rutgers University
"Conservation, disease, and data"

Brooke Maslo

March 12

Dr. Mark Urban
University of Connecticut
"The Revolution of Evolution in Ecology"


Julie Lockwood

March 19

Spring Break


March 26

Dr. Peter Buston
Boston Univeristy
"Social Evolution in the Clown Anemonefish"

Katrina Catalano

April 2

Dr. Katie Barott
University of Pennsylvania
"Regulation of acid-base homeostasis in reef-building corals undergoing a changing climate"

Zoe Kitchel

April 9

Dr. Carla Staver
Yale University

Zoe Kitchel










Fall 2019 Seminars
Date Speaker, Affiliation, and Seminar Title Host

Sept. 19

Dr. Lisa McManus
Rutgers University
Coral reef dynamics in a changing world: a multiscale perspective

John Wiedenmann

Sept. 26

Dr. Laura Reynolds
Rutgers University
What's mud got to do with it? : how the geological record can inform studies on tidal marshes in the anthropocene

Julie Lockwood

Oct. 3

Dr. Michael Gallagher
US Forest Service Northern Research Station
Fire and Ticks: Fire management for forest health and public safety may also impact vectors of infectious disease to humans and animals

Jason Grabosky

Oct. 10

Dr. Craig W. Schneider
Trinity College
Bermuda: Tracing the Evolution of Seaweed Taxonomy Over Decades   

Peter Morin

Oct. 17

Dr. Sarah Karpanty
Virginia Tech
Conservation complexities:  How the red knot is a model for the challenges and opportunities of conserving shorebirds across the Atlantic Flyway

John Wiedenmann

Oct. 24

Dr. Jane Foster
University of Minnesota
Unexpected expansion of montane tree species under climate change: The puzzling case of red spruce in the eastern US

Bernie Isaacson

Oct. 31

Dr. Andrea Egizi
Rutgers University
The changing tick-borne disease landscape in Monmouth County, NJ

Dina Fonseca

Nov. 7

Adam Martiny
University of California, Irvine
Ecological stoichiometry of marine plankton

Juan Bonachela

Nov. 14

Dr. Stephanie Spielman
Rowan University
Cautionary tales in phylogenetic model selection

Siobain Duffy

Nov. 21

Dr. Lesley Thorne
Stony Brook University

Understanding urban whales: Studying cetacean ecology to
inform management in the face of anthropogenic threats

Danielle Brown

Nov. 28



Dec. 5

EcoGSA Eminent Ecologist
Dr. Mary O'Connor

Our changing biosphere: understanding our future from first principles

Katrina Catalano

Spring 2019 Seminars
Speaker, Affiliation, and Seminar Title

Feb. 7

Dr. Tetsuya Nakamu
Rutgers University

“The genetic mechanisms underlying fish diversity and fish-to-tetrapod transition”.

This is Dr. Nakamu's program membership seminar

Olaf Jensen

Feb. 14

Dr. Myla Aronson
Rutgers University

"Biodiversity in the Concrete Jungle: Understanding Nature in Cities for a Resilient Future"

This is Dr. Aronson's program membership seminar

Olaf Jensen

Feb. 21

Dr. Olaf Jensen
Rutgers University

"The River Wolf and the Blue Pearl: Ecology and Conservation of Mongolia’s Freshwater Ecosystems"

John Wiedenmann

Feb. 28

Dr. Derek Zelmer
University of South Carolina - Aiken

"Parasite communities: surveillance, scaling, and synchrony"

Rita Grunberg

March 7

Dr. Heather Lynch
Stony Brook University

"How many Adélie penguins are there? and other mysteries solved by satellites"

Abigail Golden

March 14

Dr. Cynthia Downs
Hamilton College
"Immunology Across Biological Scales."

Rita Grunberg

March 21

Spring Break


March 28

Dr. Emily Meineke
Harvard University Herbaria
"Herbivory through the ages: Novel methods for understanding how global change affects plant-insect interactions"


Myla Aronson

April 4

EcoGSA Eminent Ecologist
Dr. Marlene Zuk
University of Minnesota
"Rapid evolution in silence: adaptive signal loss in the Pacific field cricket"

Rita Grunberg

April 11

Dr. Jennifer Dunne
Vice President for Science
Sante Fe Institute
"The Deep Time Frontiers of Ecological Network Research"

Michael Roswell

April 18

Dr. Doug Zemeckis
Rutgers University
"Investigating the Movements, Stock Structure, and Mortality of Marine Fishes Using Electronic Tagging"

This is Dr. Zemeckis' program membership seminar

Olaf Jensen

April 25

Dr. Nicholas Dulvy
Simon Fraser University

Olaf Jensen

Fall 2018 Seminars
Speaker, Affiliation, and Seminar Title

Sept. 20

Dr. Stephanie Carlson
Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management
University of California, Berkeley

"Managing for resilience of inland fishes"

John Wiedenmann

Sept. 27

Dr. Chris Field
National Socio-environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC)
University of Maryland

"Integrating ecology and social science to predict ecosystem change for tidal marshes"

Julie Lockwood

Oct. 4

Dr. Amy Savage
Department of Biology
Rutgers University - Camden
"Diversity, resilience, and nutritional ecology of urban arthropods"
This is Dr. Savage's program membership seminar

Olaf Jensen

Oct. 11

Dr. Juan Bonachela
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources
Rutgers University - New Brunswick
"Quantifying ecological transitions"
This is Dr. Bonachela's program membership seminar

Olaf Jensen

Oct. 18

Dr. Mary Caswell Stoddard
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Princeton University

"The Evolution of Colorful Signals and Diverse Structures in the Avian World" 

Michael Allen

Oct. 25

Dr. Holly Kindsvater
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources
Rutgers University
 "Information from adaptation: how species' life histories help them cope with the Anthropocene."

This is Dr. Kindsvater's program membership seminar

Olaf Jensen

Nov. 1

Dr. Rich Hallett
US Forest Service

"Urban Forest Management: Seeing the forest through the street trees"

Myla Aronson

Nov. 8

Dr. Benjamin Lintner
Department of Environmental Sciences
Rutgers University- New Brunswick
"Land-atmosphere interactions:  What is the role of vegetation?"

This is Dr. Lintner's program membership seminar

Olaf Jensen

Nov. 15

Dr. Andrea Graham
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Princeton University
"Rapid environmental effects on nematode susceptibility in rewilded mice: developing mesocosms for This Wormy World"

Seth Bromagen

Nov. 22



Nov. 29

Dr. Luis Zambrano
Instituto de Biología, UNAM.
Secretario Ejecutivo de la Reserva Ecológica del Pedregal de San Ángel (REPSA)
"The need of a socio-ecosystem approach to sustain urban spaces"

Steven Handel

Dec. 6

Dr. Katherine Dawson
Department of Environmental Sciences
Rutgers University - New Brunswick
"Biogeochemistry and Ecology: Charismatic microbial and macrofaunal studies".

This is Dr. Dawson's program membership seminar

Olaf Jensen


Spring 2018 Seminars
Speaker, Affiliation, and Seminar Title

Jan. 25

Canceled; will be rescheduled Fall 2018.

Dr. Matthew Palmer
Columbia University

"Plants in the urban landscape:  Designing for function and dynamic change"

Joni Baumgarten

Feb. 1

EcoGSA Eminent Ecologist 2017
Dr. Hopi Hoekstra
Harvard University

"From the lab to the field: the genetic basis of evolutionary change"


Feb. 8

Dr. William Fagan
University of Maryland

"Animal Movement:  Memory, Learning, and Autocorrelation"

Michael Roswell

Feb 15

Dr. Amy Savage
Rutgers University - Camden

"Diversity, resilience, and nutritional ecology of urban arthropods"

Graduate Program Membership Seminar

Olaf Jensen

Feb. 22

Dr. David Post
Yale University

"The tale of two fish: eco-evolutionary feedbacks and evolutionary cascades in lakes"

Rachel Paseka

March 1

Dr. Ricardo Martinez-Garcia
Princeton University

"Causes and consequences of asynchrony in a transition to aggregative multicellularity: insights from non-aggregated cells".

Malin Pinsky

March 8

Dr. Mansha Seth-Pasricha
Rutgers University

"Epistasis poses limited genomic constraints on RNA virus emergence"

Malin Pinsky

March 15

Spring Break


March 22

Dr. Sarah Kocher
Princeton University

"Harnessing natural variation to study the evolution of social behavior in bees."

Michael Roswell

March 29

Rescheduled and moved to April 26
Dr. Sarah Gignoux-Wolfsohn
Rutgers University

Malin Pinsky

April 5

Dr. Christopher Solomon
Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
"A framework for understanding lake food web productivity: or, why we turned a lake brown and what we learned."
Graduate Program Membership Seminar

Olaf Jensen

April 12

Dr. Katie Malcolm
Rutgers University
"Do prescribed burns affect the soil ecology of the NJ Pinelands?"

John Dighton

April 19

Dr. Mary Katherine (Katy) Gonder
Drexel Unversity
"The case for ecological speciation in chimpanzees from genome-wide SNP data from wild populations in Cameroon."

Malin Pinsky

April 26

Dr. Sarah Gignoux-Wolfsohn
Rutgers University

"Infectious disease in the anthropocene: ecological and evolutionary dynamics"

Malin Pinsky

Fall 2017 Seminars
Speaker, Affiliation, and Seminar Title

Sept. 21

Dr. Herman Pontzer
Hunter College, City University of New York
“The Crown Joules: Energy, Ecology, and Evolution in Humans and other Primates”

Henry John-Alder and
Erin Vogel

Sept. 28

Dr. Malin Pinsky
Rutgers University
"Life in a giant water bath: Consequences for ecological dynamics in the ocean"

Promotion Seminar

Henry John-Alder

Oct. 5

Dr. Vince Formica
Swarthmore College
"Natural selection for animal social networks". 

Bethanne Bruninga-Socolar

Oct. 12

Dr. Amy Freestone
Temple University

"Biodiversity and bioinvasions: marine community ecology from local to latitudinal scales"

Julie Lockwood

Oct. 19

Dr. Sara Ruane
Rutgers University - Newark
"Understanding and Describing Snake Diversity in the Era of Phylogenomics"
Graduate Program Membership Seminar

Olaf Jensen


Dr. Marci Meixler
Rutgers University
"Applications of spatial analysis to coastal ecosystems"

Promotion Seminar

Henry John-Alder

Nov. 2

Dr. Brooke Maslo
Rutgers University

"Can Pathogens Shape the Potential for Evolutionary Rescue of Host Populations? "

Reappointment Seminar

Henry John-Alder

Nov. 9

Dr. Nazia Arbab
Rutgers University
"Spatial analysis of land use/land cover change in the Raritan River Watershed"

Malin Pinsky

Nov. 16

Dr. Martin Turcotte
University of Pittsburgh
“The impact of plant rapid evolution on species interactions” 
Co-sponsored with the Department of Entomology

Cesar Rodriguez-Saona

Nov 23



Nov. 30

Dr. Elizabeth Nichol
Swarthmore College
"Biodiversity and ecosystem services across a habitat loss gradient: thresholds, tradeoffs and traits, oh my!”

Rita Grunberg

Dec. 7

Dr. Thomas Mozdzer
Bryn Mawr College

"Alteration of ecosystem processes through rapid environmental filtering of foundation species"

Joni Baumgarten


Spring 2017 Seminars
Speaker, Affiliation, and Seminar Title

Jan. 26



Feb. 2

Dr. Christina Riehl
Princeton University

"Cheaters and Collaborators: The evolution of cooperative breeding in a tropical bird"

Behthanne Socolar

Feb. 9

Dr. Herman Pontzer - CANCELLED - Will be rescheduled fall 2017
Hunter College, City University of New York

"The Crown Joules: Energy, Ecology, and Evolution in Humans and other Primates"

Henry John-Alder

Feb. 16

Dr. Kimberly Russell
Rutgers University
"Making Lemonade: Using Managed Land Under Transmission Lines to Inform Wild Bee Conservation Efforts"

Program membership seminar

Julie Lockwood

Feb. 23

Dr. Emily Moberg
Rutgers University

Malin Pinsky

March 2

Dr. Susan Perkins
American Museum of Natural History

"Malaria�s Many Mates: The Diversity and Evolution of Haemosporidians"

Rita Grunberg

March 9

H. Resit Akcakaya
Stony Brook University

"Species extinctions under climate change: prediction, understanding, prevention"

Oliver Stringham

March 16

Spring Break


March 23

Dr. Jeremy Fox
University of Calgary

"The spatial hydra effect: that which does not kill metapopulations makes them stronger"

Peter Morin

March 30

Dr. Jeremy Draghi
Brooklyn College

"Causes and consequences of variation in evolvability."

Siobain Duffy

April 6

Dr. Sybil Gotsch
Franklin and Marshall College

"Withstanding drought: Ecological strategies of canopy epiphyte communities in a tropical montane region"

Erin Vogel

April 13

Dr. Tad Fukami
Stanford University

"Embracing historical contingency in community ecology: current status of the field and some insights from nectar microbes"

Michael Roswell

April 20

Dr. Elizabeth Alter
CUNY, York College

"Life at the extremes: evolutionary convergence in rapids-adapted fishes of the lower Congo River"

Malin Pinsky

Fall 2016 Seminars
Speaker, Affiliation, and Seminar Title

Sept. 22

Dr. Barbara Han
Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
"Applications of machine learning for macroecology of zoonotic disease "

Program membership seminar

Ariel Kruger

Sept. 29

EcoGSA Eminent Ecologist

Dr. Marianne Krasny
Department of Natural Resources
Cornell University

"Civic Ecology: is there a place for community environmental stewardship?"

EcoGSA /
Amanda Sorensen

Oct. 6

Dr. Peter Rosenbaum
SUNY Oswego

"Conservation of the bog turtle (Glyptemys = Clemmys muhenbergii) in Western and Central New York State”

Joan Bennett

Oct. 13

Dr. Brooke Flammang
Federated Department of Biological Sciences

New Jersey Insitutute of Technology/Rutgers Newark

"Morphological and Functional Diversity among Fishes"

Program membership seminar

Henry John-Alder

Oct. 20

Dr. Jennifer Cherrier
CUNY Brooklyn

"The Green Horizon:  Can green infrastructure address runoff & climate change challenges?"

Christina Kaunzinger

Oct. 27

Dr. S.Tonia Hsieh
Temple University

Natalie Lemanski

Nov. 3

Dr. Subhasis Giri
Rutgers University

" Sustainable Raritan River Initiative".

Rick Lathrop

Nov. 10

250th Revolutionary Thinkers
Dr. Amy Tuininga
Montclair University

"A Revolution of Inclusion: Building Partnerships to Achieve Sustainability in Ecosystem Health, Public Health, and Corporate Triple Bottom Line"


Nov. 17

Dr. Anne Nielsen
Department of Entomology
Rutgers University
"Invasion Ecology of the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug: A Biological and Behavioral Perspective"

Program membership seminar

Olaf Jensen

Nov. 24



Dec. 1

Dr. Melinda Rostal

"A One Health Approach to Understanding the Dynamics of Emerging Infectious Diseases"

Jennifer Hoey and Amanda Sorensen

Dec. 8

Dr. Melissa Pespeni
University of Vermont

"From Sea to Shining Beetle:  Uncovering Mechanisms of Adaptation and Innovation"

Jennifer Hoey

Spring 2016 Seminars
Speaker, Affiliation, and Seminar Title

Jan 28

Dr. Shahid Naeem
Columbia University

"The thermal significance of biodiversity:  A new look into the invisible realm of the Arctic tundra."

Peter Morin

Feb. 4

Dr. Timothy Watkins
National Park Service

"Science and the National Parks: Context, Needs, and Opportunities"

Henry John-Alder

Feb. 11

CANCELLED : Dr. Mark Siddall
American Musuem of Natural History

"New Technologies for opening a can of worms".

Rachel Paseka

Feb 11

Dr. Jessica Castillo-Vardaro
Princeton University

"Pikas in Peril?: Assessing vulnerability to climate change for the American pika"

Malin Pinsky

Feb. 18

Dr. Elena Kramer
Harvard University

"Understanding the genetic basis of morphological novelty in flowers."

Lena Struwe

Feb. 25

Drs. Peter and Rosemary Grant
Princeton University

"In search of the causes of evolution: Darwin's finches on Galápagos".

Malin Pinsky

March 3

Dr. Ana Carolina Carnaval
City University of New York

Malin Pinsky

March 10

Dr. Tadashi Fukami
Stanford University

"Embracing historical contingency in community assembly"

Michael Roswell

March 17



March 24

Dr. Jason Kolbe
University of Rhode Island

"City slickers: ecological and behavioral responses of Anolis lizards to urban environments"

Julie Lockwood

March 31

Dr. Brenda Casper
University of Pennsylania

"Steppe changes?  Predicting response to climate change in the Mongolian steppe"

Alexis Kleinbeck

April 7

Dr. Andrew Noble
University of California, Davis

"Synchrony across space in population dynamics, and magnets?"

Marci Meixler

April 14

Dr. Ken Andersen
Danish Technical University
Center for Ocean Life

"Characteristic sizes of life in the ocean"


Fall 2015 Seminars
Speaker, Affiliation, and Seminar Title

Sept. 10

Dr. Ming Xu
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources

"Using Process-based Models to Estimate Ecosystem Services and Their Values in Qinghai Province, China."

This is Dr. Xu's promotion seminar

Henry John-Alder

Sept. 17

Dr. Bridgett vonHoldt
Princeton University

"The molecular structure of domestication: A case study of canines"

Henry John-Alder and
Malin Pinsky

Sept. 24

Dr. Mark Genung
Rutgers University

"Scaling up biodiversity-ecosystem services research from experiments to the landscape"

Malin Pinsky

Oct. 1

TIME CHANGE TO 2:00 P.M. in Alampi Room.

Dr. Nick Kaplinsky
Swarthmore College

"A high resolution dynamic view of cellular responses to high temperature stress in plants."

Bethanne Socolar

Oct. 8

Dr. Joshua Ginsberg
Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies

"Roaring Back? A fragile global recovery of some large carnivores and what it tells us about conservation."


Nina Fefferman

Oct. 15

Dr. Jonathan Dushoff
McMaster University

"The ecology and evolution of infectious disease: Theoretical, computational and statistical approaches"


Rachael Winfree

Oct. 22

Dr. Mary Blair
American Museum of Natural History

" Scales of Wildlife Trade in Vietnam: Integrating Molecular Phylogenetics, Ethnography, and Econometrics to Address a Complex Problem"

Talia Young

Oct. 29

Dr. Ted Daeschler
Drexel University

"Great Steps in the History of Life: The Origin of Limbed Vertebrates"

Natalie Howe

Nov. 5

Dr. Angelica Gonzalez
Department of Biology
Rutgers Camden

?"Structure and dynamics of ancient and modern food webs in a changing world"

This is Dr. Gonzalez's membership seminar

Nina Fefferman

Nov. 12

Dr. Jason Munshi-South
Fordham University

"A Tale of Two Rodents: population genomics of deer mice and rats in New York City"

Myla Aronson

Nov. 19

EcoGSA Eminent Ecologist Seminar

Dr. Andrew Dobson
Princeton University

"The Eye of the Finch - Rapid Evolution in an Emerging Avian Pathogen”



Nov. 26



Dec. 3

Dr. Susannah Lerman
University of Massachusetts - Amherst

"Beyond benefits for people: How backyard habitats support ecosystem services for wildlife"


Myla Aronson and Jason Grabosky

Spring 2015 Seminars
Speaker, Affiliation, and Seminar Title


Jan 29

Dr. Samantha Chapman
Villanova University

"Mangroves marching northward: impacts of range shifts on carbon cycling and coastal protection"

Natalie Howe

Dr. Daniel Cariveau
Rutgers University

"Biodiversity, ecosystem services and conservation of native bees in agroecosystems"

Malin Pinsky
Feb. 12

Dr. Eunsoo Kim
American Museum of Natural History

"Green Algae: Phagocytosis, Endosymbiosis, and Genome Evolution"

Debashish Bhattacharya and Paul Falkowski
Feb. 19

Dr. Alison Sweeney
University of Pennsylvania

"Photosymbiotic Giant Clams are Transformers of Solar

Malin Pinsky
Feb. 26

Dr. David Wilcove
Princeton University

"Biodiversity conservation in Southeast Asia: the good, the bad, and the frightening."

Orion Weldon
March 5


Dr. Joshua Ginsberg
Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies

"Roaring Back? A fragile global recovery of some large
carnivores and what it tells us about conservation.

Julie Lockwood
March 12

Dr. Mark Urban
University of Connecticut

"Improving the forecast for biodiversity under climate change."

Peter Morin
March 26

Dr. Scott Gilbert
Swarthmore College

"We Are All Lichens: How Symbiosis Reshapes Individuality"

Michael Roswell
April 2

Colette Feehan
Dalhousie University, Halifax

"Increasing frequency of disease drives community dynamics in a kelp bed ecosystem."


Diane Adams
April 9

Dr. Daniel Weinreich
Brown University

"Evolution of the Roundest: Why Populations Reside on Domes and not Volcanoes on the Fitness Landscape"

Siobain Duffy
April 16

Dr. Volker Rudolf
Rice University

"Thinking inside the box: Community level
consequences of stage-structured populations"

Peter Morin
April 23

Dr. Susanna Remold
University of Louisville

"Stalking the elusive generalist: Pseudomonas in the home”

Siobain Duffy
Fall 2014 Seminars
Date Speaker, Affiliation, and Seminar Title Host
Sept. 11

Dr. Siobain Duffy
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources
Rutgers University

"What they are vs what they do: the contribution of genomic architecture and ecology to long-term viral evolution "

This is Dr. Duffy's promotion seminar

Henry John-Alder

Sept. 18

Dr. Lyndon Estes
Princeton University

"The sustainability of agricultural expansion in the 21st century's hotspot of global change"

Rick Lathrop
Sept. 25

Dr. Romain Libbrecht
Rockefeller University

"Division of labor in insect societies: Genetic components and physiological regulation"

John-Alder and
Malin Pinsky

Oct. 2

Dr. Frank Gallagher
Department of Landscape Architecture
Rutgers University

"Brownfields to Green, the Easy Way"

This is Dr. Gallagher's membership seminar

Julie Lockwood
Oct. 9

Dr. Helen Fox
Director, Marine Science
World Wildlife Fund

"Solving the mystery of marine protected area (MPA) performance: linking governance, conservation, ecosystem services, and human well being"

Olaf Jensen
Oct. 16

Dr. Matthew Bolek
Oklahoma State University

"Unraveling a Gordian knot: Discovering the Biodiversity of Gordian Worms (Phylum, Nematomorpha)"

Sukhdeo Lab
Oct. 23

Dr. Dustin Brisson
University of Pennsylvannia

"Evolution and evolvability of antigenic variation"

Siobain Duffy
Oct. 30

Dr. Howard Rosenbaum
Wildlife Conservation Society

The Role of Genetics in Conservation"

Malin Pinsky
Nov. 6

Dr. Eric Wommack
University of Delaware

“Uncovering the biology of unknown viruses through metagenomics and nucleotide metabolism genes”

Kay Bidle
Nov. 13

Dr. John Wiedenmann
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources
Rutgers University

"Identifying effective strategies for sustainable fisheries management"

This is Dr. Wiedenmann's membership seminar

Julie Lockwood
Nov. 20

EcoGSA Eminent Ecologist
Dr. Barbara Block

Stanford University

"Sushi and Satellites: 
Tracking Giant Bluefin and Sharks Across the Blue Serengeti"

Dec. 4

Dr. Nancy Knowlton
Smithsonian Institute

"The evolutionary diversity and ecological complexity of coral reefs"

Malin Pinsky
Dec. 11

Collette Feehan
University of Halifax

"Increasing frequency of disease drives community dynamics in a kelp bed ecosystem"

Diane Adams
Spring 2014 Seminars
Speaker, Affiliation, and Seminar Title



Dr. Morgan Tingley
David H. Smith Conservation Research Fellow
Princeton University

"How Should Climate Change Affect Land Conservation Strategies?"

Malin Pinsky
Feb. 13

Dr. Diane Adams Moved to March 13
Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences
Rutgers University

"The neuroscience, ecology and evolution of phenotypic plasticity in sea urchin larvae."

This is Dr. Adams membership seminar

Julie Lockwood
Feb. 20

Dr. James Lendemer
Research Associate
New York Botanic Garden

"Where have all the lichens gone? New Jersey as a case study of the unseen effects anthropogenic change has on biodiversity and ecosystem function."

Lena Struwe
March 6

Dr. Siobhan Mattison
Visiting Assistant Professor
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources
Rutgers University

Siobain Duffy
March 13

Dr. Helen Fox CANCELED -See new seminar below
Director, Marine Science
World Wildlife Fund

Olaf Jensen
March 13

Dr. Diane Adams
Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences
Rutgers University

"The neuroscience, ecology and evolution of phenotypic plasticity in sea urchin larvae."

This is Dr. Adams membership seminar

Julie Lockwood
March 27

Dr. Nicholas Preston
Senior Research Scientist
EcoHealth Alliance

"EcoHealth at the Digital Frontier"

Olaf Jensen
April 3

Dr. Howard Rosenbaum CANCELED
Director of the Wildlife Conservation Society-Ocean Giants Program

Malin Pinsky
April 10

Co-sponsored with Department of Entomology

Dr. Colin Orians
Department of Biology
Tufts University

“Induced Sequestration: An alternate defense strategy of plants?”

April 17

EcoGSA Eminent Ecologist
Dr. Jonathan Losos

Curator in Herpetology
Monique and Philip Lehner Professor for the Study of Latin America
Harvard University

"Experimental Studies in Evolution: Research on Lizard Adaptation in the Bahamas"

Fall 2013 Seminars
Date Speaker, Affiliation, and Seminar Title Host
Sept. 12

Dr. Lena Struwe
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources
Rutgers University

"Understanding patterns of floristic biodiversity on small to large scales - the integration of phylogenies, ecological species data, and GIS-based patterns to resolve new and old questions."

This is Dr. Struwe's promotion seminar

Julie Lockwood

Sept. 19

Dr. Krista McGuire
Department of Biology
Barnard College

"Responses of soil microbes to logging and oil palm agriculture in Malaysian dipterocarp forest".

Natalie Howe
Sept. 26

Dr. Peter Buston
Department of Biology
Boston University

"Anemonefishes as Model Systems for Marine Evolutionary Ecology"

Malin Pinsky
Oct. 3

Dr. Frank LaSorte
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Cornell University

“The biogeography of avian migration: towards a population-level perspective”

Myla Aronson
Oct. 10

NOTE: This seminar will be held in Room 123 ENR

Dr. Lazoras Gallos
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources
Rutgers University

"Complex networks: the science of connections"

Nina Fefferman
Oct. 17

Dr. Samantha Joye
Department of Marine Sciences
University of Georgia, Athens

"Hydrocarbon degradation following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Well Blowout: the role of the novel microbial groups and their rapid response to perturbation."

Olaf Jensen
Oct. 24

Dr. Deborah Finke
Division of Plant Sciences
University of Missouri, Columbia

"The cascading effects of predator diversity on a vector-borne plant pathogen"

Co-sponsored with Department of Entomology


Oct. 31

Dr. Malin Pinsky
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resorces
Rutgers University

"Fish, fisheries, and climate velocity"

Julie Lockwood
Nov. 7

NOTE: This seminar will be held in Room 123 ENR

Dr. Gregory McGee
Department of Environmental and Forest Biology

"Conserving Forest Biodiversity through Management of the Unit-Pattern"

Julia Perzley
Nov. 14

Dr. Winifred Frick
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
University of California, Santa Cruz

"Ecology and conservation of bats: Foraging plasticity, aeroecology, and wildlife disease"

Brooke Maslo
Nov. 21

Dr. Carol Lee
Center of Rapid Evolution
University of Wisconsin, Madison

"Rapid Evolution following Habitat Transitions"

Dina Fonseca
Dec 5

Dr. Daphne Munroe
Haskin Shellfish Research Lab
Rutgers University

"Intersecting larval connectivity and population ecology to understand change in marine resources."

This is Dr. Munroe's E&E membership seminar

Julie Lockwood
Spring 2013 Seminars
Speaker, Affiliation, and Seminar Title


Jan. 24

Dr. Edmund D. Brodie III
Department of Biology
University of Virginia, Charlottesville

"Time to Change the Channel: Predator-Prey Arms Races and the Evolution of Tetrodotoxin Resistance in Snakes"

Henry John-Alder
Jan. 31

Dr. Myla Aronson
Rutgers University

"Life in the concrete jungle:
patterns and drivers of biodiversity in the world's cities"

This is Dr. Aronson's program membership seminar.

Olaf Jensen

Dr. Diana Nemergut
INSTAAR and Environmental Studies Program
University of Colorado

"Do we need to understand microbial community structure to predict ecosystem function? Insights from community assembly theory"

Co-sponsored with the Office for Promotion of Women in Science, Engineering, and Mathematics

Joan Bennett
Feb. 14

Dr. Paul Falkowski
Bennett L. Smith Professor of Business and Natural Resources
Rutgers University

"Reconstructing the Wiring Diagrams of Earth's Biogeochemical Cycles"

Olaf Jensen
Feb. 21

Dr. Sadie Ryan
Department of Environmental and Forestry Biology

"Clash of the Titans: People, Environment, and Climate in the Albertine Rift "

Brian Clough
Feb. 27***

Dr. Steward T.A. Pickett

Cary Institute of Ecosystems Studies

"Urban transformations:
From the Sanitary to the Sustainable City

Co-sponsored with Department of Landscape Architecture

Julie Lockwood
Kate John-Alder

March 1

SPECIAL SEMINAR ; SPECIAL TIME: 1:00 p.m.; Alampi Room
Dr. Carl Safina
Founder; Blue Ocean Institute

"A Natural Year In An Unnatural World"

Dr. Safina, an E&E alumnus, is the recipient of the 2013 Graduate School-New Brunswick Alumni Award in the Biological Sciences.

Julie Lockwood
March 7

Dr. Paul Jivoff
Rider University

"Blue crabs in Barnegat Bay: Potential interactions between reproductive biology and fishing pressure"

Olaf Jensen
March 14

Dr. Sarah Gaichas
National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration

"Ecological modeling for fisheries management advice"

Olaf Jensen
March 21

Spring Break

March 28

Dr. Dov Sax
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology and Center for Environmental Studies
Brown University

"An evolutionary hypothesis for invasions and tests of climate niche models"

Julie Lockwood
April 4

EcoGSA Eminent Ecologist:
Dr. John Thompson
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
University of California, Santa Cruz

"The assembly of networks of coevolving species"

April 11 Dr. Bernd Blossey

Department of Natural Resources
Cornell University

"How deer, earthworms and invasive plants transform our neighborhoods, forests and protected areas"

Lena Struwe
April 18

Dr. Eric Lonsdorf
Franklin and Marshall University

"Modeling Pollination Services Across Agricultural Landscapes"

Rachael Winfree
Fall 2012 Seminars
Date Speaker, Affiliation, and Seminar Title Host
Sept. 20

Dr. John Clark
Visiting Scholar
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources
Rutgers University

"Systematics of the Neotropical members of the flowering plant family Gesneriaceae: tales of convergent evolution in a taxonomically confusing clade"

Lena Struwe

Sept. 27

Dr. Andrew Finley
Departments of Forestry and Geography
Michigan State University

"Hierarchical models for quantifying forest variables over large heterogeneous landscapes with uncertain forest area"

Brian Clough and
Edwin Green
Oct. 4

Dr. John Lill
Department of Biological Sciences
The George Washington University

"Tritrophic interactions in forest caterpillars"

Cosponsored with Department of Entomology

Cesar Rodriguez-Saona
Oct. 11


Oct. 18

Dr. J. Wilson White
Department of Biology and Marine Biology
University of North Carolina- Wilmington

"Design and assessment of marine reserves: theory and practice"

Olaf Jensen
Oct. 25

Dr. Yana Bromberg
Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology
Rutgers University

"Computing prokaryotic diversity using functional similarity"

This is Dr. Bromberg's graduate program membership seminar.

Nina Fefferman
Nov. 1

Dr. Dov Sax
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology and Center for Environmental Studies
Brown University

"An evolutionary hypothesis for invasions and tests of climate niche models"

Julie Lockwood
Nov. 8

Dr. Gregg Hartvigsen
Department of Biology
SUNY- Geneseo

"Network topology and the emergence and persistence of diseases"

Kevin Aagaard
Nov. 15 Dr. Oscar Schofield
Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences
Rutgers University

"Observing the Mid-Atlantic Continental Shelf: Robotic sampling of upwellings to Hurricanes "

Julie Lockwood
Nov. 29

Dr. Bryan Danforth
Department of Entomology
Cornell University

“How have DNA sequence data changed our understanding of bee phylogeny and evolution?”


Cosponsored with Department of Entomology

Rachael Winfree
Dec 6  
Spring 2012 Seminars
Date Speaker, Affiliation, and Seminar Title Host
Jan. 19

Dr. Steven D'Hondt
Department of Oceanography
University of Rhode Island

"How slow can life go? Lesson from subseafloor life."

CoSponsored with Oceanography
Jan. 26

EcoGSA Eminent Ecologist Seminar
Dr.Stuart Pimm
Doris Duke Professor of Conservation Ecology
Nicholas School of the Environment
Duke University

"Biodiversity: the most beautiful carbon"

Karen Wylie and the EcoGSA
Feb. 2

Dr. Jennifer Krumins
Montclair State University

" Embracing the Good: when negative interactions turn positive in soil"

This is Dr. Krumins' Graduate Program membership seminar

Julie Lockwood
Feb. 9

Dr. Robert Scott
Department of Anthropology
Rutgers University

"From Grass to Well Done Steaks:  Insights into Hominin Diets from Paleontology and Experimental Biology"

This is Dr. Scott's Graduate Program membership seminar

Julie Lockwood
Feb. 16

Dr. Erin Vogel
Department of Anthropology
Rutgers University

"Behavioral, morphological, and physiological adaptations to fruit scarcity in wild orangutans. "

This is Dr. Vogel's Graduate Program membership seminar

Julie Lockwood
Feb. 23

Dr. Richard Ostfeld
Cary Institute of Ecosystems Studies

"Biodiversity Loss and the Rise of Emerging Infectious Diseases"

Holly Vuong

Dr. Henry John-Alder
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources
Rutgers University

"Hormonal Pleiotropy and the Evolution of Sexual Dimorphism in Body Size"

Julie Lockwood
March 8

Dr. Emma Rosi-Marshall
Cary Institute of Ecosystems Studies

"Novel contaminants in aquatic ecosystems: inputs, fates and potential ecological effects."

Brian Clough
March 15 Spring Break  
March 22

Dr. Todd LaJeunesse
Pennsylvania State University

"The introduction and spread of invasive symbiotic dinoflagellates in a time of climate warming. "

Debashish Bhattacharya and Paul Falkowski
March 29

Dr. Amy Kamarainen
Harvard University

"Engaging students in ecosystem science and ecological modeling using multi-user virtual environments, augmented reality and games."

Olaf Jensen
April 5

Dr. Bradley Stevens
University of Maryland Eastern Shore

"Development of In-situ Assessment Methods for black sea bass (Centropristisstriata L.) Abundance and Behavior "


Olaf Jensen
April 12

Dr. Andrew Kern
Department of Genetics
Rutgers University

"Local adaptation in Drosophila: insights from a reverse ecology perspective".

This is Dr. Kern's Graduate Program membership seminar

Julie Lockwood
April 19

Dr. Monica Bricelj
Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences
Rutgers University

"Adaptation to neurotoxic Alexandrium blooms in softshell clam populations: a molecular to ecosystem approach"

This is Dr.Bricelj's Graduate Program membership seminar

Julie Lockwood
Fall 2011 Seminars
Date Speaker, Affiliation, and Seminar Title Host
Sept. 15

Dr. Philipp Neubauer
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Marine and Coastal Sciences
Rutgers University

"Fishing in the Dark: Inferring larval dispersal pathways in a reef fish meta-population in Cook Strait, New Zealand."

Olaf Jensen
Sept. 22

Dr.Julie Lockwood
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources
Rutgers University

"The Biology of Nowhere: the changing face of biodiversity in the wake of species invasions and extinctions"

This is Dr. Lockwood's promotion seminar.

Henry John-Alder
Sept. 29

Dr. Malin Pinsky
Dept of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Princeton University

"New insights into the causes and consequences of fisheries collapse

Olaf Jensen
Oct. 6

Dr. Alex Vagelli
Director of Science & Conservation
New Jersey Academy for Aquatic Sciences

"From direct development to the Wallace Line: a holistic research on the natural history and conservation of Pterapogon kauderni (Teleostei, Apogonidae), an endemic coral reef fish endangered by the international pet trade.

John Dighton
Oct. 13

Dr. Mya Brietbart
Biological Oceanography
University of South Florida

"Virus Hunting in the Age of Metagenomics"

Siobain Duffy
Oct. 20

Dr. Jeferson Gross
Post-doctoral Fellow
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources
Rutgers University

"From an emerging oxygenic world to epigenomic evolvability, a journey across the eukaryotic evolution"

Debashish Bhattacharya

Oct. 27 Dr. John Wiedenmann
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Marine and Coastal Sciences
Rutgers University

"Change in the Southern Ocean ecosystem: from ice to krill to whales."

Olaf Jensen
Nov. 3

Dr .Nina Fefferman
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources
Rutgers University

"Phalanx Defenses: Evolutionary pressures and self-organizing social systems."

This is Dr. Fefferman's promotion seminar.

Henry John-Alder
Nov. 10 Dr.Tammy Long
Division of Science and Mathematics Education
Michigan State University

"Rethinking the system: Can model-based instruction promote systems-thinking in introductory biology?"

Rebecca Jordan
Nov. 17

Dr .Peter Del Tredici
Senior Research Scientist
Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University

"Deeply Disturbed; The Emergent Forest of the Future"

Frank Gallagher

Dr. Mark Robson
Dean of Agricultural and Urban Programs
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
Rutgers University

"Global Pesticide Use: Human and Ecological Effects"

This is Dr. Robson's E&E Graduate Program membership Seminar

Julie Lockwood
Dec 8

Dr. Jason Grabosky
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources
Rutgers University

"Tree root growth patterns in the zone of rapid taper, and the implications for pavement design"

This is Dr. Grabosky's promotion seminar.

Spring 2011 Seminars
Date Speaker, Affiliation, and Seminar Title Host
Jan. 27

Dr. Cintia Souto
Universidad Nacional del Comahue
Visiting Scholar, Rutgers University
"Forest conservation in Patagonia: Molecular tools for Reconstructing the Past, Describing the Present, and Predicting the Future"

Peter Smouse
Feb. 3

Dr. Alycia Crall
Department of Land Resources
University of Wisconsin, Madison

"The Art and Science of Invasive Species Monitoring with Citizen Scientists"

Rebecca Jordan
Feb. 10

Dr. Lars Hedin
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Princeton University

"Molybdenum, nitrogen, and the global carbon cycle"

Paul Falkowski
Feb. 17

Dr. Robert Naczi
Curator of North American Botany
New York Botanical Garden

"Systematics of Western Hemisphere Pitcher Plants
(Sarraceniaceae): Old Problems and New Data
from Symbiotic Arthropods."

Lena Struwe
Feb. 24

Dr. Gary Lovett
Cary Institute of Ecosystems Studies

"Big Changes from Little Bugs:  Effects of Exotic Insects and Pathogens on Northeastern Forest Ecosystems"

Brian Clough
March 3

Dr. Alan Berkowitz
Cary Institute of Ecosystems Studies

“Pathways to Environmental Science Literacy”

Rebecca Jordan
March 17 Spring Break  
March 24

Dr. Andrew "Pete" Vayda, Professor emeritus
Department of Human Ecology
Rutgers University
"Dos and Don'ts in Interdisciplinary Research on Causes of Fires in Tropical Forests: Examples from Indonesia"

Peter Morin
March 31

Dr. Christina Grozinger
Chemical Ecology Lab
Pennsylvania State University

"Genomics of chemical communication in honey bees"

Co-sponsored with Department of Entomology

Rachael Winfree
April 7

Eco GSA Eminent Ecologist

Dr. F. Stuart (Terry) Chapin III
Department of Biology and Wildlife
Institute of Artic Biology
University of Alaska, Fairbanks

"Earth Stewardship: Sustainability Strategies for a Rapidly Changing Planet"

April 14

Dr. Ignasi Bartomeus
Post-Doctoral Reseacher
Department of Entomology
Rutgers University

"Biological Invasions: Where and Who?"

Rachael Winfree
April 21

Dr. Michael Moore
Department of Biological Sciences
University of Delaware

“Interactions among hormones, behavior and immunity.”

Henry John-Alder
Fall 2010 Seminars
Date Speaker, Affiliation, and Seminar Title Host
Sept. 16

Dr. Judith Weis
Federated Departments of Biological Sciences
Rutgers -Newark / NJIT
"Predator/prey behavior and ecology in contaminated estuaries: A comparison of five species"

Peter Morin
Sept. 23

Dr. Joshua Caplan
Post-Doctoral Associate
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources
Rutgers University
"Water relations, morphology, and the invasive success of Himalayan blackberry in the Pacific Northwest"

Peter Morin
Sept. 30

Dr. Danielle Kreeger
Drexel University/Partnership for the Delaware Estuary
"Climate Adaptation in the Delaware Estuary Region: Risks, Opportunities and Tough Choices"

David Bushek
Oct. 7

Dr. Frank Burbrink
College of Staten Island
" The influence of ecological opportunity on explosive diversification in ratsnakes"

Lena Struwe
Oct. 14

Dr. Robert Cox
Post-doctoral Researcher
Department of Biological Sciences
Dartmouth College
"Two genders, one genome: sexual dimorphism and the resolution of intralocus conflict

Oct. 21

Dr. Frank Gallagher
Administrator: New Jersey Division of Parks and Forestry, Office of the Director.
Visiting Scholar, Urban Forestry Program, Rutgers University
"The Ecological Risk of  Urban Brownfields, Lessons from Liberty State Park"

Peter Morin


Oct. 28 Dr. Maria Uriarte
Department of Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology
Columbia University

"Forest community responses to environmental stressors at multiple spatial scales"

Holly Vuong
Nov. 4

Dr. T'ai Roulston
Blandy Experimental Farm
Department of Environmental Sciences
University of Virginia
"Flying Herbivores That Sometimes Pollinate: Toward A Revised Understanding of Bee - Plant Relations."

Co-Sponsored with Department of Entomology

Rachael Winfree
Nov. 11 Dr. Tina Grotzer
Harvard Graduate School of Education
Harvard University
"Why Everyday Casual Reasoning Falss Short in a Complex World"

Steven Gray
Nov. 18

Dr. Andre Kessler
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Cornell University
"Ecological cost of induced plant defenses?-- Herbivory compromising plant interactions with mutualists"

Co-Sponsored with Department of Entomology

Dec. 2

Dr. Cintia Souto
Universidad Nacional del Comahue
Visiting Scholar, Rutgers University


Peter Smouse
Spring 2010 Seminars
Date Speaker, Affiliation, and Seminar Title Host
Jan. 28

Dr. Martin Ferris
University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill
"Dissecting the complex genetic architecture of virus-host interactions during influenza virus infection."

Siobain Duffy
Feb. 4

Dr. S. Luke Flory
Department of Biology
Indiana University
"Causes and consequences of a non-native grass invasion in eastern forests."

Co-Sponsored with the Plant Biology Graduate Program

Ari Novy
Feb. 11

CANCELLED: Rescheduled April 8th
Sam Droege

USGS, Patuxent VA
"The Natural History Gap: Can We Track Climate Change Impacts to Species?"

Maria Stanko
Feb. 18 Dr. Olaf Jensen
Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences
Rutgers University
"Fisheries as ecosystem-scale experiments: using stock assessment to understand the dynamics of exploited marine ecosystems."
Program membership seminar

Julie Lockwood
Feb. 25

CANCELED: Rescheduled March 25th

Dr. Kevin Chen
Department of Genetics
Rutgers University
"Evolution of MicroRNA and transcription factor binding sites."
Program membership seminar

Julie Lockwood
March 4

Dr. Deborah Goldberg
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology,
University of Michigan
"Clonality and Plant Invasion"
Presented in conjunction with the Ecologies in the Balance seminar series

Joan Ehrenfeld
March 11

Dr. Robert Raguso
Department of Neurobiology and Behavior
Cornell University
"Understanding hawkmoths as pollinators: from sensory biology to ecological services."

Elena Tartaglia
March 18 Spring Break  
March 25

Dr. Kevin Chen
Department of Genetics
Rutgers University
"Evolution of MicroRNA and transcription factor binding sites."
Program membership seminar

Julie Lockwood
April 1

Dr. Charles Canham
Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
Millbrook, NY
"Neighborhood dynamics of forest ecosystems: Invasion of northeastern forests by Norway maple (Acer platanoides)
and Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima)”

Brian Clough
April 5

Special Time: 1:30 pm; Alampi Room

Dr. Timothy Zimmerman
Graduate School of Education
Rutgers University

"Learning Evolutionary Biology Through Inquiry Activities
Across Contexts"

Program membership seminar
Julie Lockwood
April 8

Sam Droege
USGS, Patuxent VA
"The Natural History Gap: Can We Track Climate Change Impacts to Species?"

Maria Stanko
April 15

Dr. Josh Kohut
Coastal Ocean Observation Lab
Institite of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University

Julie Lockwood
April 22

Dr. Michael Sears
Department of Biology
Bryn Mawr College
"Why Good Models of Species Ranges Fail: Relationships of Individuals with Landscapes...It's Complicated"

Henry John-Alder
Fall 2009 Seminars
Date Speaker, Affiliation, and Seminar Title Host
Sept. 17 Dr. Tracy Langkilde
Department of Biology
The Pennsylvania State University
"Surviving invasion: native lizards alter their behavior and morphology in response to deadly fire ants"

Henry John-Alder
Sept. 24

Dr. Laura Miller
Department of Mathematics
University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill
"Aerodynamic constraints in the smallest flying insects"

Nina Fefferman
Oct. 1

Dr. Michael Wimberly
Geographic Information Science Center of Excellence (GIScCE)
University of South Dakota
"The macroscope meets the microscope: climate, land cover, and the biogeography of infectious disease"

Yangjing Zhang
Oct. 8 Dr. Ning Zhang
Department of Plant Biology and Pathology
Rutgers University
"Population and evolutionary biology of fungal pathogens"
Program membership seminar

Julie Lockwood
Oct. 15

Dr. Jessica Thomas
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources
Rutgers University
"Life history correlates of substitution rate in invertebrates"

Karl Kjer
Oct. 22

Dr. Edwin Green
Department of Ecology, Evolution , and Natural Resources
Rutgers University
"Testing Hypotheses"

Julie Lockwood
Oct. 29 Dr. Mark Hauber
Department of Psychology
Hunter College, CUNY
"Never trust a cowbird: life history lessons from avian brood parasites."

Julie Lockwood
Nov. 5

Dr. Marci Meixler
Director, Global Map Analytics, Philadelphia
"New techniques in aquatic conservation: fish passage prediction, community modeling, and biodiversity protection."
Program membership seminar

David Ehrenfeld
Nov. 12 Dr. Karina V.R. Schafer
Federated Departments of Biological Sciences
Rutgers Newark and NJIT
"Carbon sequestration of forests and wetlands"

Julie Lockwood
Nov. 19

EcoGSA Eminent Ecologist Lecture
Dr. Alison Power
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Cornell University
Past-President of the Ecological Society of America
"Implications of host and vector diversity for the spread of plant viruses"

Dec. 3 Dr. Jennifer Rudgers
Godwin Assistant Professor
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Rice University
"Dynamics and consequences of mutualistic symbiosis: The ecology and evolution of fungal endophytes in grasses."
